The Snyderville Basin Special Recreation District (Basin Recreation) was created by Summit County to focus on the development, management, and maintenance of parks, trails, properties, sports facilities, and recreational programs in Snyderville Basin.

Basin Recreation is funded through property taxes, user fees, grants, and bonds and serves the Snyderville Basin community in Summit County, UT. 


Basin Recreation is governed by an Administrative Control Board (Board) appointed by the Summit County Council (Council). The Board appoints the District Director and provides policy and budgetary oversight, with final review and approval of all appointments, policy changes, and annual and amended budgets provided by the Council before taking effect.


The Council has approved Finance & Governance and Personnel & Operations policy manuals for the orderly and efficient operation of Basin Recreation activities.

The complete set of both the Finance & Governance and Personnel & Operations policy manuals, as amended from time to time, can be found below.


As stewards of public monies, Basin Recreation believes in a transparent budgeting process. Please review our annual independent auditor’s report, adopted and amended budgets, and bond disclosures.

Basin Recreation’s Federal Tax ID number is 87-0553500.

Strategic Planning

Long-range strategic planning processes are critical to ensuring that the District continues to meet the needs of the changing community. Basin Recreation also regularly collects feedback through smaller-scale planning efforts and public processes in order to remain responsive to its patrons. Forward thinking plans allow the organization to keep the vision, mission, and values of the community at the forefront of its operations.  

In 2022 Basin Recreation underwent a process to envision the future of recreation in the Snyderville Basin. The District has since begun to execute its Strategic Action Plan that will guide the organization’s development for the next 10 years.

Please take time to review the following documents for a sense of the current priorities of Basin Recreation.

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