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Strategic Planning

As of July 2022, Basin Recreation has begun the process of re-envisioning the future of recreation in the Snyderville Basin. The District has initiated its Strategic Action Plan process to guide the organization’s development of public recreation for the next 10 years. The project website is currently live with more information and opportunities for public input at

The long-range strategic planning of Basin Recreation is a fluid, progressive process whereby Basin Recreation regularly assesses needs and priorities, evaluates its level of service standards, and considers policy changes. As our service area experiences new growth and demographic shifts, Basin Recreation strives to remain nimble to address the demands and interests of the constituent base.

Comprehensive recreation planning necessarily involves both a process geared toward Basin Recreation’s service territory and one that works in conjunction with the District’s community partners to avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities and services. The processes are complementary and each produces valuable information utilized by Basin Recreation. Both planning processes often involve the participation and guidance of outside consultants and public input.

As the recreation provider for a very active community, the organization is constantly balancing the needs of the community with the available resources. Such evaluation takes place both internally and collaboratively with other entities. Basin Recreation is proud of its deliberate growth and excited about the future of recreation in the community.

Please take time to review the following documents for a sense of the current priorities of Basin Recreation.