Disc Golf Course Park

disc golf course


  • Basketball court
  • A bike park
  • Disc golf course
  • Playgrounds
  • Playing fields
  • Restroom facilities
  • A street-style skateboard park
  • Tennis courts


  • Room Rental

Trailside Disc Golf Course is 9-holes of unbelievable fun arranged on a sagebrush hillside at Trailside Park. Our natural mountain desert landscape offers a mix of longer downhill shots, uphill challenges, great exercise and gorgeous views of the Wasatch Back. Each hole has legit birdie potential for veteran players and the lack of tall obstacles makes it a great course for beginners. There aren’t many trees, but players should be cautious of wildlife, mountain bikers, midday winds and thick sagebrush outside of fairways. The course is playable yearround but disc tails are recommended during the winter months. Please follow signs and stay on established trails.