Bull Moose 2

Open Space Fall Restoration Highlights

December 11, 2024

Fall is restoration season for the Open Space team, as we move into winter we’re reflecting on the hard work we put into fall projects!

Plants grown in the Trailside greenhouse through the spring and summer were ready to be put into the ground right before snowfall. With over 600 plants grown in-house, 270 supplied by the Utah Pollinator Grant, as well as some sourced from local nurseries, we were able to plant natives in areas that were disturbed and provide habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.

With the help from the Trails crew, we completed the construction of the pollinator garden at Matt Knoop park. The garden features a myriad of native plants and is a certified wildlife habitat. Additionally, we planted over 200 more plants in the Knoop pollinator garden and plan to open the garden to the public as an immersive educational space in the spring!

Plants from the Utah Pollinator Program, such as blue flax and Utah sweet vetch, were planted at the Discovery trailhead adding biodiversity, improving soil quality, and providing pollinator habitat.

Part of the stream bank at Willow Creek was restored this fall, with plants and a coconut mat added to mitigate erosion in a disturbed area near the stream. Some of the plantings included Great Basin wild rye, yarrow, and coyote and peach-leaf willows.

A fun and popular project involves creating and tossing seed balls, which are made by mixing together clay, native seeds, and compost. As our friend Juju from Swaner’s Conservation Crew wisely put it, they are “balls of seeds, balls of love.” These seed balls can be thrown into open spaces to help re-seed and spread native plants. This year, over 600 seed balls were made with the help of volunteers and the Swaner conservation campers. Seed ball stations were also set up at several trailheads, encouraging visitors to help spread the love this fall.

Thanks to everyone that helped the Open Space team throughout the year to promote beautiful, biodiverse, and resilient open spaces!