Basin Recreation is Monitoring COVID-19
March 19, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
For the past several months, Basin Recreation has made the internal decision to require face coverings at all times in The Fieldhouse. We acknowledge that such decision went beyond the requirements that exempt strenuous exercise. We made the decision to support the community’s efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.
We have approached our COVID-19 protocols with a constant eye on the numbers – on the transmission rate, positive cases, and the availability of the vaccine. Thanks to the efforts of the community, the dedication of the Health Department, and the hard work of many volunteers, as of March 18, Summit County’s transmission rate has moved from the high to moderate level.
In a direct response to this move, the requirement of face coverings during strenuous exercise will be lifted effective Monday, March 22. Stretching will not be considered strenuous exercise and a mask must be worn. The face covering exception will apply to exercise in the cardio and strength areas of The Fieldhouse (once you reach your equipment), as well as during fitness classes.
Social distancing requirements of at least six feet will remain in place and, in order to ensure such, capacity limits will be enforced in all studios and the Olympic lifting room. Face coverings will remain mandatory in other areas of The Fieldhouse, including common areas, restrooms, and all areas of the track. To assist with social distancing, we will still require reservations for fitness classes and lap swimming. In order to serve all patrons, we are extending the pool hours starting April 1. Also, beginning April 1, senior hours will be discontinued at The Fieldhouse and select fitness classes will move outside where possible.
We are also evaluating our programming and stakeholder rules. For the time being, face coverings will be required inside if participants cannot maintain six feet of social distancing. The exception will be swim programming where face coverings are impractical for both participants and instructors. If you have a child participating in our programs or are a stakeholder participant, watch for up-to-date communication as we receive information.
On our end, we will continue the extensive cleaning protocols that have been implemented during the pandemic. Staff and instructors will continue to wear face coverings and, of course, we support any individual decision to wear a face covering as well. We will continue to evaluate how to best (and most safely) serve you. Please obey all Staff requests and posted signage.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
On November 9, Basin Recreation postponed all youth, adult, and senior recreation programming and fitness classes through November 29. We did so with cautious optimism that COVID-19 numbers would drop and state and local orders would permit us to resume programming. On November 20, 2020, the Utah Department of Health issued State Public Health Order 2020-25. This Order provided new guidance on our programs and fitness classes.
Effective November 30, 2020, we will resume the six programs that were put on hold earlier this month. You will receive an email from the Program Coordinator by Wednesday, November 25. In addition, we will recommence some in studio fitness classes. However, given the current COVID-19 numbers and High Transmission level, Basin Recreation has made the internal decision to continue to require face coverings in The Fieldhouse at all times. This requirement applies to all programming, fitness classes, and exercise. We will continue to monitor the situation daily and adjust when prudent. We understand that, for some, the face covering requirement is less than ideal. We encourage you to check out our virtual fitness class options. If you have questions or concerns about your membership, please call Matt Strader at (435) 655-0999 ext. 14.
Further, in order to control capacity, starting on November 30, lap swimming will be by reservation only. The Fieldhouse pool is limited to two people per lane for 50-minute blocks. Reservations can be made one week in advance with no fee associated if you have a Fieldhouse Facility membership. You must have an active Mindbody account in order to reserve. If you are interested in purchasing a daily drop-in pass, contact The Fieldhouse front desk to reserve your spot at (435) 655-0999. Please wear your face covering until you get into the pool.
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Basin Recreation has constantly evaluated its operations with safety as a top priority. We will continue to do so and keep you updated as things change. We believe that the best way through (and hopefully out) of this pandemic is by each of us doing our part to keep our community safe.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Consistent with, and in furtherance of, Governor Herbert’s Executive Order No. 2020-73, Basin Recreation will postpone all youth, adult, and senior recreation programming and cancel fitness classes effective immediately through Sunday, November 29. We intend to resume those programs on November 30 if permitted to do so under state and local orders.
While The Fieldhouse will remain open, face coverings will be required at all times while in the facility. We understand that this requirement goes beyond the Governor’s Order but have made the internal decision to reinstate mandatory face coverings throughout the facility out of an abundance of caution. You may notice areas of The Fieldhouse that are closed to the public. Please observe all posted signage and staff instructions. If you have questions or concerns about your membership, please reach out to Matt Strader at [email protected] or call (435) 655-0999 ext. 14.
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Basin Recreation has continually evaluated its operations with safety as a top priority. We find ourselves at another bump in the road where operational modifications are necessary and prudent. We remain committed to providing recreational opportunities safely and we cannot underscore enough our appreciation to our patrons for their support during this time.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Joint Public Health Order 2020-08 (the “Order”) made face coverings/face shields mandatory inside all indoor public spaces, with certain enumerated exceptions. It also required face coverings/face shields at community gatherings of over 50 people. Through the amended Order, a process was instituted by which organizations could seek exemption(s) from the mandatory face coverings/face shields.
On July 20, the Board of Health heard a request for an exception of the Order for strenuous exercise. After careful consideration, the Board ordered that, with adequate social distance of six-ten feet, the face covering/face shield requirement would be lifted for strenuous exercise. The exemption provided that face coverings/face shields would still be required in common areas, locker rooms, stretching areas, and all areas of the track (including the corners).
We know how much this community values exercise – for both physical and mental wellbeing. We understand that, for some, face coverings during strenuous exercise has been difficult. But you did it. We want to emphasize that the threat of COVID-19 is still very real and this is not the time to “lower your guard.”
When you exercise at The Fieldhouse, you may remove your face covering once you have arrived at your cardio equipment of choice or in the weight machine and free weight areas as long as you are appropriately socially distanced. You may also participate in fitness classes without your face covering so long as you are in your socially distanced space. Of course, you are welcomed to wear your face covering if that makes you more comfortable!
You must wear a face covering when entering The Fieldhouse, when in all common areas such as locker rooms, hallways, lobby areas, stretching areas, and on the track. As we are not able to properly distance the equipment in the Olympic weight room or ensure social distancing on the track, face coverings are required in those areas.
As for Staff, we will continue to wear our face coverings and work diligently to keep the facility clean. This includes our fitness instructors who will teach with a face covering on for your safety. While the weather stays nice, many fitness classes will remain outside. We will continue to evaluate how to best (and most safely) serve you. Please obey all Staff requests and posted signage.
Friday, June 26, 2020
This afternoon, Joint Public Health Order 2020-08 was approved by the Summit County Council. Under the Order, face coverings are mandatory inside The Fieldhouse. Face masks will be required at all times in all indoor areas, including cardio and weight areas, the turf field, the gymnasium, fitness studios, locker rooms, and all common areas. Please bring a face mask when visiting The Fieldhouse. We will have limited supplies should you need one upon arrival.
We understand the challenges of wearing face coverings while exercising; however, the Order does not exempt masks for indoor recreation activities. Patrons using the pool must wear a face mask when inside the facility. Please continue to social distance even while wearing a face covering. If you have registered for a fitness class and no longer wish to attend, please call the front desk at (435) 655-0999.
Relevant exemptions to required face masks include: (1) individuals age two years or under; (2) individuals with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering; and (3) individuals who are hearing impaired, or communicating with an individual who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
Additionally, the face covering requirement will apply to our camps that spend time indoors as well. Parents, please send your child to camp with a mask. Our counselors will help remind the campers when the mask is necessary to ensure that the Order is followed.
Basin Recreation takes the safety of its patrons very seriously Please adhere to all posted signage and obey instructions of staff throughout our facilities We appreciate your cooperation.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Summer is here and we are excited to launch our new fitness schedule for June! You will notice new locations, class times, and fitness offerings but the same safety guidelines and preregistration processes apply. Classes will adhere to a maximum capacity number depending on the square footage of the location of class. Those limits can be found on the fitness schedule.
Classes at The Fieldhouse will utilize social distancing markers and will use a limited amount of equipment. You are welcome to bring your own equipment or use the equipment provided. Disinfectant spray will be provided and hand sanitizer available. Aqua fitness classes will begin on June 15.
Fitness classes held at Matt Knoop Park will now be 55 minutes long, with no more than 35 participants. Participants may bring children to these outdoor classes. For weather cancellations, an email or text will be sent to participants prior to the fitness class.
All virtual Zoom fitness classes are 45 minutes long and a link will be sent to you via email. Please make sure you have the most current version of Zoom downloaded on your device. If you encounter technical difficulties or are unable to participate in the class, please contact The Fieldhouse front desk for assistance.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Last week, Summit County moved into the Yellow (Low Risk) Phase under Governor Herbert’s Utah Leads Together 3.0 Plan. As such, we are excited to offer additional facilities and programs, while keeping our commitment to safety.
As we expand operations, we appeal to your sense of personal responsibility. Under the mantra of “stay safe to stay open,” please continue to employ the tools we have learned – those of social distancing, proper handwashing, sharing, and adherence to posted signage. All of these practices become even more important as amenity use expands. It is through this cooperation that we continue to move forward safely.
Our parks are open for business. This means courts, fields, playgrounds, skatepark, bike parks, dog parks and restrooms! Pavilions are also available on a first come/first served basis; we will not be taking reservations at this time. Please use the amenities safely and responsibly.
Team sports are permitted to practice. Stakeholders must schedule practices through us and follow all guidance received from their governing bodies. Events are still a moving target – watch for new dates and/or cancellations as necessary.
And in some exciting news, the skatepark located at Trailside Park has received a facelift. Three features have been replaced, transition plates have been repaired, and a new surface has been applied to the features. We are stoked to welcome you back to the park.
The Fieldhouse
Starting on June 1, The Fieldhouse will be open from 5:30am-7pm Mondays through Fridays and 7am-7pm on the weekends. Pool hours will be extended from 6am-7pm during the week and 8am-5pm on weekends. Now that capacity limits have been relaxed, reservations are no longer necessary for lap swimming. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-noon, the facility and pool will be reserved for those 60 years or older.
We are no longer limited to 20 people per floor at The Fieldhouse but we will continue to issue individual sanitizing bottles to patrons. Please clean prior to and following your activity. Locker rooms and showers are now open. Please respect other patrons’ space.
Starting on June 1, the hot tub will be available to four people at a time. The Splash Pad remains closed until its new surface is installed. Watch for news about its reopening by July 1. All Fieldhouse rentals, including batting cages, field and/or gym rentals, and birthday parties, may be made by calling the front desk.
Fitness classes continue to be offered outside at Matt Knoop Park and online. Pre-registration is required for all classes. We are excited to begin fitness classes at The Fieldhouse starting on June 1. Watch for a new schedule to be issued soon.
Memberships that have been dormant will be reactivated on July 13. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Matt Strader at [email protected].
Additional summer camp availability will open on June 1 at midnight through the website. We encourage you to review the Summer Camp Schedule. Most summer camps will begin as scheduled on June 8. Travel camps are still an unknown. If travel camps do not run, we will make accommodations for your camper in another camp.
Additionally, we are excited to offer youth swim lessons starting on June 15. Registration for swim lessons will open on June 1 at midnight. A detailed email concerning youth swim lessons will be sent later this week.
Trails & Open Space
Run-A-Muk is open! The trail is now directional so please pay attention to posted signs. Entry and exit points have been modified to be used in one direction but starting on May 29, you will be able to use gates on either side of Olympic Parkway as entry and exit points. In addition, trailhead restrooms are now open. Remember that many of our trailheads are in neighborhoods – please be respectful with dogs and gatherings.
Friday, May 15, 2020
On Monday, May 18, we will expand operations to include outdoor and virtual fitness classes, as well as lap lane swimming!
Fitness class capacity is limited. We will be offering outdoor fitness classes, capped at 19 participants, as well as virtual Zoom fitness classes. Participants must pre-register for all classes. Patrons with a fitness membership can register online free of charge. Patrons using a fitness punch pass or purchasing a daily drop-in fitness pass must contact The Fieldhouse front desk to reserve their spots. Drop-ins are not permitted at this time. To register for a fitness class, CLICK HERE and follow the registration process.
The Fieldhouse pool is now limited to one person per lap lane for 50 minute blocks and available by appointment only. There is no fee associated with reserving the lanes if you have a Fieldhouse Facility membership. Lap lane reservation can be made HERE or by calling The Fieldhouse front desk.
For more information on fitness classes and lap lane swimming, CLICK HERE. Thank you for your patience and dedication to Basin Recreation.
Friday, May 8, 2020
We are excited to welcome everyone back to The Fieldhouse! When we open our doors, we do so with your safety as our top priority. Below please find information to help you navigate the operating protocols governing our reopening.
With the help of the Health Department, we will continue to review the protocols and augment operations accordingly. If you are a high-risk individual, please exercise caution when using The Fieldhouse. It is a large public facility and, while Staff is committed to doing all it can to promote a safe environment, personal responsibility is essential. If you don’t feel well, please stay home. Community cooperation will keep us moving forward.
We look forward to seeing you!
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy, and although it feels like we haven’t seen you in forever, the community’s diligence in practicing social distancing has helped flatten the curve of infections.
Basin Recreation participated in proposing protocols for Summit County’s move into the Stabilization Phase. The undertaking is a balancing act of protecting public health, while slowly returning to life in the new normal. The guidance of the Health Department and the collaboration with other like entities has been invaluable throughout this process.
The move will be gradual and evaluated regularly. This will allow the team to adjust to the new operation protocols, while maintaining the safety of staff and our patrons. The information below is to provide you with the current parameters, but expect to hear from us periodically as things change. As always, we are here to answer questions.
Fieldhouse Operations:
The Fieldhouse will open on Monday, May 11 with the following restrictions:
- Hours of operation will be 7am-7pm Monday through Sunday. From 7am-8:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, only members of the community who are 60 and older will be permitted in The Fieldhouse.
- Per the Joint Public Health Order issued on April 30, 2020, the number of patrons permitted in The Fieldhouse will be limited to 20 people per level, including staff. Please limit your visit to 1 hour. Call the front desk at (435) 655-0999 before arrival to ensure space is available. If space is not available, Staff will ask you to wait outside of the facility and will contact you when space opens.
- Areas open with limited access include: upper weight room and cardio areas, running/walking track, gymnasium, turf field, lower Olympic lifting room, golf and batting cages. Drinking fountains are limited to water bottle fill stations only.
- Areas closed include: locker rooms and showers, lap pool, hot tub, and fitness studios.
- The pool and fitness studios will open when operations allow. Look for more information soon.
- There will be no team or group activities. To encourage social distancing, only two pickleball courts will be in use and patrons must bring their own equipment. Basketball courts are open to solo basket shooting only and players must bring their own basketballs.
- Patrons will be required to maintain social distancing while exercising. In order to ensure proper separation, access to some equipment will be restricted. Patrons will be given a spray bottle of disinfectant when entering the facility to wipe down equipment before and after use. There will be increased staff monitoring of the facility to ensue compliance. We encourage the use of gloves and face coverings whenever possible.
All Fieldhouse memberships will be extended consistent with the type of membership and the number of days the facility was closed to the public. The week of Monday, May 11 through Sunday, May 17 will be free to all members. Starting on Monday, May 18, all memberships will be active and extended accordingly. All renewal expiration dates will be available to view in your DASH account by Monday, June 1. If you are unable to use your extended membership due to the facility closure, please contact Matt Strader at [email protected].
For our part, we will continue to be vigilant in facility maintenance and sanitization. You will notice some changes to our front entry and desk areas to help remind patrons of social distancing. You will also notice additional signage throughout the facility – please obey all rules and regulations to protect yourself, fellow patrons, and Fieldhouse staff. Online reservations and payments are encouraged when possible. Communication of staff and patron expectations will be distributed to all members by the end of the week.
If you are a high-risk individual, please exercise caution when using The Fieldhouse. It is a large public facility and, while Staff is committed to doing all it can to promote a safe environment, personal responsibility is essential.
Park Operations:
Our parks will begin to gradually open. Rules will be posted at the specific facility. Please bring all equipment – rackets, balls, cones, etc., as well as your own hand sanitizer. Basin Recreation will not provide equipment of this type, Further, if you are waiting to play, please practice appropriate social distancing protocols.
- Pickleball and Tennis Courts: Users must maintain social distancing and sanitization practices. Those waiting to play must wait outside of the courts. Please leave all gates at the open position to avoid the need to touch surfaces. For safety, the server should use his or her own ball.
- Basketball Courts: Basketball courts are open to solo basket shooting at this time.
- Sports Fields: Sports fields are open at limited capacity to groups of 20 people or less. Users must maintain social distancing and sanitization practices.
- Dog Parks: Dog parks will remain closed at this time. Staff is working hard to open park amenities and hopes to have dog parks accessible soon.
- Skate Park: The Skatepark will be under construction starting on May 11. It will be closed for two weeks.
- Playgrounds: Playgrounds will remain closed until we move out of the stabilization phase.
- Park restrooms will open beginning Friday. Hours will be 6am-8pm.
- Public water fountains will remain turned off.
Trails and Open Space:
While our trailheads and trails remain open, please continue to recreate responsibly. Remember, if mud is sticking to your heels or wheels, please stay off the trail. If the trailhead is busy, find a new area – this is the perfect time to explore the vast trail system. Use courtesy when passing others and maintain your space. Also, make sure you are picking up after your furry friends.
In addition, the Trailside Bike Park is now open. Please use the Bike Park responsibly and exercise social distancing and sanitization practices.
Summer Programming:
Staff is waiting for further details from the Health Department as to how youth, adult, and Fun Over Fifty programming will look this summer. We will continue to update you as Staff receives information.
As we move into the Stabilization Phase, we ask you to please observe all posted signage and remember social distancing protocols. It is through community cooperation that we can keep moving forward. We will continue to provide you with up-to-date information here. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you for your help and understanding. Stay healthy and safe.
Brian Hanton
District Director
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Thank you for your continued patience and community spirit as we contend with the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Tomorrow, Governor Herbert intends to move Utah from the high-risk phase to the moderate phase under his plan, Utah Leads Together 2.0. In addition, after engaging local business sectors to recommend industry-specific protocols, the Summit County Council will consider a new Joint Public Order 2020-05 this afternoon. As information remains in flux, Basin Recreation facilities that have been closed, including The Fieldhouse, will remain so. Basin Recreation will spend the weekend analyzing the relevant orders and issue up-to-date information early next week.
Basin Recreation is working hard to keep you updated on this ever-changing situation and provide relevant information for you and your family. As always, please reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your help and understanding. Stay healthy and safe.
Brian Hanton
District Director
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Due to COVID-19, Staff has decided to cancel all Basin Recreation youth, adult, and Fun Over Fifty programming through May 31. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. If you have registered for a spring program, you can expect a refund by the end of the week. We will continue to keep you informed on this ever-changing situation and receive relevant information for you and your family. For additional information about any of Basin Recreation’s spring programming, please contact Sam Schwoebel at (435) 649-1564, extension 25.
Friday, March 27, 2020
COVID-19 FAQs Answered
Community Members,
Thank you for your continued patience as we follow the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are working closely with the Summit County Health Department and following its guidance as it monitors the virus. On March 25, a Stay-At-Home Joint Public Health Order (the “Order”) was issued by the Summit County Health Officer, County Council, and the Summit County Manager. Please visit HERE to view the Order in its entirety.
Basin Recreation is working hard to keep you updated on this ever-changing situation and provide relevant information for you and your family. I have highlighted a few frequently asked questions below that should provide you with more detail. As always, please reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns.
When will The Fieldhouse open?
The Order provides the closures through May 1, 2020. Under the terms of the Order, the duration will be reviewed after 14 days. At that time, Staff will follow Summit County Health Department direction concerning the opening of The Fieldhouse.
What happens with my Fieldhouse membership?
Your Fieldhouse membership will be extended based on the number of days the facility is closed to the public. If you are unable to use your extended membership due to the closure, please contact Matt Strader at [email protected].
Are there fitness classes online that I am able to access?
We want to do everything we can to keep you active. Staff is working hard to create a fitness class page on our website where you will be able to access various fitness class videos taught by your favorite instructors. We will add new classes regularly, as well as weekly challenges, so check back HERE frequently. We will also be posting there to our Facebook and Instagram pages, so be sure to follow us.
What outdoor areas are currently closed?
Dog parks within the Snyderville Basin will be closed as of Monday, March 30, 2020. These include Run-a-Muk off leash dog area, Willow Creek dog park, Trailside dog parks, and The Woods at Parleys Lane dog park. Additionally, all play structures and play equipment, park pavilions, and the Trailside Park skate park are closed. All park and trailhead restrooms are closed. Allowed outdoor activities include walking, running, hiking and biking. Parks, athletic fields, trails, and trailheads remain open, but we ask that you not congregate in groups in those areas and practice social distancing.
What is the plan for youth, adult, and senior spring programming?
All spring programming has been postponed to May. Start dates for specific programming will be emailed out to patrons and can be viewed on our website. Summer camp registration will open on Wednesday, April 15 with the hope that summer camps will start on June 8, 2020. For specific questions regarding programming, please contact Sam Schwoebel at [email protected].
How can I expect to be updated on information as the situation changes?
We will do our best to provide you with up-to-date information on this newsfeed page. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. For detailed information regarding COVID-19 and Summit County, please visit HERE.
Staff is adjusting to the impacts of the pandemic and is united in prioritizing the health and safety of everyone in our community. We are working hard behind the scenes to keep you updated and proactively plan for the next season of activity. For now, we believe the most important thing we can focus on is our shared sense of responsibility to each other as one community, to keep each other safe, and follow the necessary measures as set forth by the Summit County Health Department. In the meantime, Staff will continue to explore the various ways to help people stay engaged, active, and to avoid social isolation.
Thank you for your help and understanding. Stay healthy and safe.
Brian Hanton
District Director
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Stay Healthy While Recreating Outside
With the growing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has emphasized the importance of social distancing – keeping at least six feet from other individuals and pets – as well as other precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. With the recommendations and the closures of many facilities came a surge of public use of trails and parks, according to the National Recreation and Parks Association (“NRPA”).
While “the outdoors is not cancelled,” Basin Recreation wants to do its part to “flatten the curve,” and is recommending the following for patrons utilizing its parks and trails:
- Do not use parks or trails if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
- If walking your dog, NRPA recommends that dogs remain on a leash at all times.
- Please clean up after yourself. Carry out your trash and your dog’s waste to protect Basin staff.
- Park and trailhead restrooms are closed.
- Playgrounds are closed because there is no present guideline from the CDC on how best to manage these spaces, specifically recommended cleaning and disinfection for outdoor equipment.
- Leaving tracks? Turn back! Be aware of changing conditions and do not use muddy trails.
- Share trails mindfully and announce your presence as you pass.
- Follow the CDC guidelines on personal hygiene and maintain social distancing of 6 feet from others at all times.
These precautions are consistent with the current recommendations from the CDC and the NRPA but are subject to change. Please obey all posted signage and check this newsfeed often for the most current information.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Following the recommendation of the Summit County Health Department, effective at 7pm tonight, March 13, 2020, Basin Recreation will be closing The Fieldhouse until March 31, 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. The safety of our patrons and staff is very important to us.
All existing facility and fitness memberships will be extended accordingly. As the situation continues to change, Basin Recreation will reevaluate the closure and related pass extension as more information becomes available.
Thank you for your understanding. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Please stay safe and healthy.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Community Members,
As we follow the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want you to know the safety of our patrons and staff is our top priority. We have been working closely with the Summit County Health Department as it monitors the virus and we recognize that information is constantly changing. In an effort to provide a resource for up-to-date Basin Recreation information, we will post here regularly.
As of March 12, 2020, we have suspended all group fitness classes until further notice. We have also postponed and/or cancelled Basin Recreation programs through the end of March. In addition, we have cancelled:
- Indoor and outdoor facility reservations;
- Drop-in adult sports; and
- Toddler time.
For now, The Fieldhouse will remain open.
The cleanliness of our facilities is very important and we are increasing efforts to ensure such. Along with providing multiple cleaning stations and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout The Fieldhouse, our crews are working diligently to clean the facility. We are asking patrons to assist in maintaining a clean environment by spraying down equipment before and after use.
Please remember to:
- Wash hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.
- Use hand sanitizer if soap is not available.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay at home if you are sick.
We are monitoring this ever-changing situation closely. For more information, please go to Summit County Health.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
Brian Hanton
District Director