Wildland fire

Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Project

August 17, 2020

A virtual public meeting will be held on August 27, 2020 at 6pm MST to discuss Snyderville Basin Special Recreation District’s (the “District”) plans to begin a multi-year forest health and fuels reduction project in the Summit Park area. Visit HERE for information on how to join the public meeting and submit public comments. Comments will be collected from August 17 through August 28, 2020 and can be made HERE.

The project area consists of forested montane woodlands within the Wildland Urban Interface (“WUI”) area of the Summit Park, Timberline, and Pinebrook neighborhoods. Importantly, the area contains 1,000+ residential structures and is a popular recreation hub frequented by mountain bikers, hikers, and wildlife viewers. The project is anticipated to treat approximately 150-200 acres in 2020 and has been funded in part by $150,000 in generous grant funds provided by the Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative and the Utah Department of Water Quality.

As good stewards of public land and as good neighbors to the residents of the adjacent WUI area, the District seeks to proactively and responsibly manage its open space with public safety, habitat restoration, and asset protection in mind. While this project cannot prevent a catastrophic fire from occurring, it can reduce fire intensity, rate of spread, and the risk to adjoining private structures. Overall, the reduction of fire risk protects forest resources for continued ecological function and public enjoyment.

The primary objective of this project is to improve forest health and mitigate hazardous fuels by patch-cutting, selectively thinning, and removing ladder fuels and brush within Summit Park and Toll Canyon Open Spaces, which are both protected by conservation easements. The project will be completed by qualified and experienced forestry contractors. The forest treatment guidelines have been prescribed in partnership with representatives from the Forestry Fire and State Lands and the Department of Wildlife Resources. Slash piles generated by treatments will be burned, as conditions allow. In addition to forest health and fuels reduction, the project considerations have included, but are not limited to, wildlife, migratory birds, cultural resources, noxious weed populations, and avalanche prone areas.

The public should expect periodic closures of trails and open space areas from September 1 though October 31, 2020 within the Summit Park and Toll Canyon Open Spaces. Closure information can be found HERE and project details can be found on the project website.

Additionally, the District, in partnership with the Summit Park HOA, Summit County, and the Park City Fire Department, invites homeowners to actively manage their own properties in order to extend the reach and impact of the treatment. Homeowners should contact Mike Quinones, Summit Park HOA-Fire and Safety Coordinator, at [email protected].

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Open Space Management Supervisor, Jessica Kirby at (435) 602-0308 or email [email protected].