Community Open House & Appreciation Day
May 1, 2018
The entire Staff here at Basin Recreation works hard to deliver quality recreation experiences to the community. To that end, we want to hear from you! On Thursday, May 24, please stop by The Fieldhouse to hear what we are up to this summer and provide comments. Staff will be on hand to chat from 5pm to 7pm but comment cards and information about each department will be available all day.
As an extra incentive to come join us and in appreciation of the support you give Basin Recreation, please enjoy free admission and classes at The Fieldhouse all day! There will be opportunity drawings with prizes from local businesses throughout the day. In addition, anyone that participates in a fitness class on May 24, will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a 10 Punch Fitness Pass! We will have snacks and giveaways throughout the day so please come join us!
In addition to our regularly scheduled classes, we are excited to offer:
Masters Swim Clinic from 7am-8am
Spin on the Deck from 12pm-12:45pm
SUP Demo from 4pm-5pm
Adult Swim Clinic from 6pm-7pm
Bounce houses will be set up on the field for kids from 10:30am-4pm.
Things you can expect to hear about include:
Recreation: Come learn about our wide variety of summer camps offered June 11-August 21, including day camps, adventure camps, and sports camps. There is something for everyone while out on school break. Mark your calendars for the StART of Summer Fun Run on June 23 when you challenge yourselves on a 5K or 1-mile course and get a little silly with our colored chalk stations. Also on June 23, is the Backyard Campout/Movie in the Park at Trailside Park. Camp out under the stars and watch a fun family movie. Finally, come learn about Basin’s Backyard Bash on July 14, where you can compete at volleyball, pickleball and/or cornhole.
Fieldhouse/Facilities: We are replacing the artificial turf in The Fieldhouse! We are excited about this project rolling out the end of May/beginning of June. We are also replacing the bathroom tile in the Fieldhouse’s men’s and women’s showers. Come hear about the Summer Pass Sale taking place May 11-June 30 and enjoy 15% off all three month passes. Finally, swim lesson registration is now open. We are expecting full classes in both our youth and parent/tot classes so sign up today. We will offer free swim lesson evaluations on May 24 from 4pm-6pm if you have questions about the right group for your child. We also offer adult swim lessons so come hear all about the activities in The Fieldhouse pool.
Parks: We want to tell you about Basin Recreation’s water conservation efforts using the WeatherTrak Central Irrigation System. We are proud at the efforts made to mitigate the effects of some low water years. Remember our fantastic disc golf course at Trailside Park and join us for the Trailside Disc Golf Trilogy Challenge on June 2 at 8:30am. We are also excited to kick off our 2018 Movie in the Park series with movies throughout our parks and facilities this summer. We are doing some work in our dog parks and want to fill you in on all of the new amenities for our furry friends. Finally, Basin Recreation would like to make you aware of some improvements to the Trailside Park lower parking lot so you can plan your visits to Trailside Park accordingly.
Trails: We are excited to use our Trail Conditions interactive map on our website to bring you the latest news from our trails. Come get an overview of how this page works and ask any questions you might have. We can’t wait to see what the youth of Park City, in collaboration with NYC artist, Bisco Smith, come up with for the Redstone tunnel under Highway 224. Come listen as we share about this exciting collaboration, The Future is Now, with the Park City Summit Council Public Art Advisory Board and Park City Summit County Arts Council. We are also ready to celebrate National Trails Day on June 2 and hope to see you out at the RTS trailhead to get our trails ready for summer. Finally, come hear about the Shred-n-BBQ scheduled for August 24 in the Trailside Bike Park.
Open Space: Open space is a growing department at Basin Recreation and we want to provide an overview of weed monitoring and mitigation, restoration projects and trail projects in the works this summer on each of our open space properties. We also would love to share our research on wildlife friendly fencing, weed management guidelines and our online mapping systems. Finally, we want to hear from you! Open space is a hot topic in our local news and we want you to have the opportunity to weigh in on the future of open space in our community.
We hope to see you on May 24 at The Fieldhouse. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your families and bring recreation to your lives.